ammo unloading...

My first open source contribution


I am using tmux since not that long ago, but managing my sessions became very painful fast as I worked on a bunch of my little projects/experiments (some might say this is a skill issue, I agree ๐Ÿ˜ž). But I knew there has to be a better way to achieve this. And like how it is always, I am not alone with this, Bart has already created such tool: tmux-session.


But there was a problem with it, it did not listed my symlinked directories. (I use WLS2 and symlink directories from Windows so I can work on my files in both environments.)
After a bit of digging in the man pages for find(1) I was able to locate the missing link (got it? ๐Ÿ˜‰).


Adding -L to the find command in the shell script sets the option to follow symbolic links. I was happy with my result/finding, but thought that maybe others can also benefit from it if they face a similar issue. After checking how to contribute, I created my first ever PR with the comment that following symlinks by default may not be beneficial for everyone and to consider it as an option.
Bart liked the idea and requested to make it as a command line option, which I did. My PR got merged and I am glad that I was able to contribute, as little as it is, to such an awesome tool and learn a bit more about the shell in the process.


Bart, if you are reading this, Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart ๐Ÿ’–.